Aqua Libra launches Waste Shark in Canary Wharf's to collect and remove plastic waste from the waterways around the area.
Showing results 13 - 84 of 119 results.
What will the post-COVID office look like? Will it be the same as it was pre-2020? Or are things already changing?
Earlier this year, in England, a ban on single-use plastic drinking straws came into effect. Aqua Libra Co looks at some sustainable alternatives.
The cling film we use today will still be polluting the planet hundreds of years from now. What are the alternatives? How can we wrap food without suffocating the Earth?
It’s Plastic-Free July, and the refill revolution is here.
The lightweight plastic carrier bag, invented in 1959, was intended as a reusable, environmentally friendly alternative to single-use paper bags.
This month is Plastic Free July, a global initiative headed up by the Plastic Free Foundation. This is the perfect time to make changes to the way we perceive plastic, use plastic, and dispose of plastic. Plastic Free July is a time for forming new habits.
It’s Plastic-Free July – the perfect time to reconsider the way we use plastic. Should we be cutting out teabags?
The optimum water temperature for a cup of tea varies according to the type of tea you’re making. And the type of tea depends on the extent to which the tea leaves have been oxidised.
As part of a product’s carbon footprint, embodied carbon is a measurement system used to calculate the sustainability of new development.
Aqua Libra Co is committed to promoting and facilitating a refill culture. It’s always been our mission, and it always will be.
Aqua Libra Co has joined thousands of businesses around the world in a mission to achieve Net Zero.
There's no need to sacrifice style for pragmatism, or to reduce efficiency for the sake of keeping up appearances. With Aqua Libra Co, you can have it all.
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